In 1929, Great Britain issued the 1 Pound Postal Union Congress stamp picturing St. George Slaying the Dragon (Scott #209). Many collectors believe this to be Great Britain's most beautiful stamp. 61,000 were issued, and Scott '10 prices it unused at $ 850.00 ($1,400 for NH) . Many were probably used on packages and then discarded.
This is one of two or three stamps that could serve as a representative investment for all of the stamps of Great Britain. I view it as a blue-chip which should do well over the long haul, but probably does not have the same potential for explosive value increases as the more speculative items of emerging market nations.
Stamps of Great Britain are popular worldwide, especially in Commonwealth nations and in the U.S.. With about 61 million people and an advanced, diverse economy, Great Britain had annual GDP growth of around 2-3% until the the nation participated in the train-wreck of the global financial crisis, from which it is recovering. As with much of Western Europe, Great Britain's population is projected to age significantly over the next decades. The proportion of British citizens over 60 is projected to rise from 20.6% in 2000 to 29.4% in 2025, and 34% in 2050, according to a 2007 UN report. This will add to the ranks of stamp collectors seeking better material from Great Britain and its former colonies.

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