In 1909, the U.S. issued two stamps celebrating the tercentenary of the discovery of the Hudson River, and the centenary of the Clermont, the first commercial steamboat, built by Robert Fulton (Scott #372-73). The perforated stamp (#372) is by far the more common, as about 72.6 million were issued, and I am not recommending it for investment. However, I am recommending the imperforate version (Scott #373), as only 216,480 were issued, and Scott '10 prices it unused at $ 20.00 ($ 42.50 for NH).
The stamp is not only a beautifully engraved Ship Topical, but it is of local interest in New York and New Jersey. In my opinion, the best formats in which to purchase the issue are as a plate number block of 6 (CV = $ 240.00; $ 375.00 as NH) or as a center line block of 4 (CV = $ 210.00; $ 360.00 as NH). The stamps were produced in sheets of 60 (with one plate block and one center line block per sheet), yielding only 3,608 of each of these positional blocks. A much higher proportion of the imperforate Hudson-Fultons were retained by collectors than were the perforated stamps, so I am guessing that between 700 and 1,500 of each remain.
Gum bends are very common on #373. Endeavor to purchase examples which are free of them, especially if purchasing blocks.
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