Initially, 1p stamps of New Zealand were overprinted for use by the Expedition, as they had been for Shackleton's earlier 1908 Expedition. However, since the postage to certain countries was 2 1/2p, 2,400 1/2p Yellow Green stamps were also overprinted "VICTORIA LAND" (Scott #130d), making this the scarcest of all of the New Zealand Antarctic Expedition overprints. Scott values it unused at $ 1,100.00 and used at $ 950.00. Covers are rare.
The stamp appeals to both collectors of New Zealand and Antarctic topicals. As it's an overprint, it should be purchased conditional on obtaining expertization.
Stamps of New Zealand are collected both domestically and by British Commonwealth collectors worldwide . The nation has a stamp collecting demographic similar to Great Britain's, and the demand for better material should increase dramatically as population aging accelerates. The percentage of New Zealander's aged 60 and over is projected to rise from 18% in 2009 to 29% in 2050.
Those interested in finding a community of stamp investors, dealers, and collectors are welcome to join the "Stampselectors" group at Facebook. The group provides a useful venue for those who wish to buy, sell, and trade stamps, and discuss philatelic investing and practical aspects of stamp collecting.
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