Unfortunately for the original subscribers who purchase these collections (or their heirs), the collections are not produced in such "limited" editions that they do not glut the stamp market. Typically, these companies sell beautifully mounted, inexpensive sets of stamps for ten to twenty times their value, or else send common, printed-cachet First Day Covers to their victims on a subscription basis for about $5 to $7 each. Usually such a collection will contain 50 or more grossly overpriced covers. When the owner's try to re-sell the covers, they invariably discover that they can get no more than 10c-20c each for them. Should there be accompanying medals or coins, they sell for whatever the bullion in the medals is worth, or the face value of the coins.
Most experienced stamp collectors or dealers who have bid in stamp auctions or attended stamp shows will almost certainly have seen large groups of such collections offered in lots for about 2%-4% of the original subscriber cost. Often these lots are purchased with the intent of breaking them down and re-offering the individual collections at local antique auctions, where there is an excellent chance that competing bidders, equally ignorant of the stamp market, will overbid for them, thus perpetuating the rapacious cycle.
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