These stamps are extremely scarce, and the covers are about as rare as hen's teeth. They are occasionally offered at auction. Expertization is a necessary condition of purchase, because forged handstamps exist. Many of the Spanish Marianas stamps are poorly centered, so attempt to either select one that has F-VF or better centering, unlike the one pictured, or discount for mediocre centering or condition problems.
The quantities issued and Scott ' 10 Catalog Values are as follows:
- 1 2c Dark Blue Green (500 issued; $875.00 unused, $ 325.00 used)
- 2 3c Dark Brown (500 issued; $ 675.00 unused, $ 225.00 used )
- 3 5c Carmine Rose (500 issued; $ 1,000.00 unused, $ 350.00 used)
- 4 6c Dark Blue (50 issued; $ 6,500.00 unused, $ 5,000.00 used)
- 5 8c Gray Brown (700 issued; $ 500.00 unused, $ 200.00 used)
- 6 15c Slate Green (150 issued; $ 2,500.00 unused, $ 1,300.00 used)
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